Michael Bright
By the Author
Get Your Animals in Order: Classifying the Animal World
Animals are so familiar but what makes an animal an animal? Produced in partnership with the Natural History Museum (NHM), this clever and clear explanation…
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Above, Below and Long Ago
Produced with the Natural History Museum, this book brings you closer to the wildlife that's hard to reach - to the animals and plants in…
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Animals in Disguise
Discover the best disguised animals on the planet! Some animals disguise themselves to look like plants or rocks. Others disappear from view altogether as they…
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Darwin’s Tree of Life
Follow the evolution of plants and animals, from the first living things 6 billion years ago to the animals living in the world today. Darwin's…
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Source to Resource: Food: From Field to Plate
Where does the food that reaches our plates, stocks our fridges and fills the supermarkets come from? Food is one of the most important resources…
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Source to Resource: Oil: From Oil Rig to Petrol Pump
The vast majority of today's transport depends on fuel that comes from oil. Hundreds of thousands of items we use every day - from trainers…
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Source to Resource: Water: From Raindrop to Tap
What happens when you turn on a tap? Or the washing machine, shower or garden hose? Water flows! Most of us use water all day,…
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Planet Earth: People and Planet Earth
People and Planet Earth takes readers back to our first steps as Homo sapiens, and examines how we've evolved from cavemen to the dominant species…
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Planet Earth: Birth of the Dinosaurs
The Birth of the Dinosaurs explores the age of reptiles and dinosaurs until their sudden demise approximately 65 million years ago. Take a closer look…
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Planet Earth: The Evolution of You and Me
The Evolution of You and Me tracks modern humans, from their origins to leaving Africa. Take a closer look at tree shrews, the first primates,…
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Planet Earth: Early Life on Earth
Early Life on Earth tracks the evolution of life on Earth, from its origins up to the imminent arrival of the dinosaurs. Take a closer…
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Planet Earth: The Big Bang and Beyond
The Big Bang and Beyond takes readers back to the very beginning and the violent birth of the universe, our solar system, and planet Earth.…
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Planet Earth: Journey into Space
Journey into Space takes readers beyond Earth and into the depths of our solar system. Take a closer look at the planets that make up…
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Source to Resource: Solar: From Sunshine to Light Bulb
What happens when you switch a lightswitch? Or the power button on the TV? Electricity flows to the device and it switches on. Most of…