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My Funny Family On Holiday

Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780340989852

Price: £6.99

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It’s the summer holidays and the Butterfield family is going away to Cornwall. As usual, Mattie has plenty to worry about. What if she loses the luggage she’s been put in charge of? What if someone falls over a cliff? And worst of all … what if they’ve forgotten someone?


WRD Magazine
Well written and beautifully illustrated ... Witty and lively ... a window on to some of the culture and history of Cornwall ... has achieved that difficult balance of being funny and immediate, yet with serious and touching lessons to be learned
School Librarian
Beautifully told... can be enjoyed by boys and girls alike.
Both sweet and surprising ... fresh and funny ... it is easy to imagine this book being a turning point for independent readers
Books For Keeps
Well written and beautifully illustrated. Witty and lively... has achieved that difficult balance of being funny and immediate yet with serious and touching lessons to be learned.
School Librarian
A charming story with quirky illustrations.
tBk Magazine
Both sweet and surprising... fresh and funny. Easy to imagine this book being a turning point for independent readers.
Books For Keeps
Beautifully told. It can be enjoyed by girls and boys alike
Families Warwickshire