The Boy with the Corrected Files.

boy jacketWe were thrilled and proud to publish Den Patrick’s debut novel earlier this year; The Boy With the Porcelain Blade. The book quickly picked up enthusiastic reviews from magazines, fellow authors, bloggers and fans alike. However amongst the praise from readers were some worrying comments about a few pieces of missing text in the ebook edition. We checked and found that a formatting issue somewhere in the process (this particular issue was a genuine freak one-off) had led to the error.

We contacted people who had been in touch with us and told them that the files were being corrected. We made the changes and checked the new files for any other errors. Getting the new files uploaded is never quite as quick as you’d hope and we’d like to thank both Den and his readers for their patience in this. After Easter the files were ready.

We’re delighted to confirm that if you’ve already bought the ebook of The Boy With The Porcelain Blade you can now get a free update with the corrected file. If you have already bought the book and would like the update, do please activate automatic updates on your device’s settings.

Once again thanks for all your patience and thank you to those who took the trouble to let us know about the problem.